Stress And Wellbeing In Australia

Stress And Wellbeing In Australia – 2015 Survey

Published on 05 February 2016
Written by Lisa Guglielmino

The Australian Psychological Society has released their 2015 survey on Australian wellbeing.

The key findings paint a fairly obvious picture of what makes us happy and feel fullfilled in life. In short, for the perfect life, all you need is:

  • Be over 55
  • have a healthy lifestyle
  • children
  • with a living partner
  • keep growing your education

Sounds pretty simple. Oh, and apparently money helps too. However, the number one cause of stress and arguments is MONEY. So how do we find a balance between wanting more money for happiness and not letting money become our stressor. And why do we still feel so unsatisfied if we already have all of the above factors?

There’s a number of words that sum it up. Mindful awareness, gratitude, clarity. Perhaps happiness doesn’t come from having the ‘list’ perfected but more from the experience of working on attaining each of those items on the ‘list’. And then stop to smell the roses.

At Innoviant coaching we help you get clear on YOUR list. And then teach you how to stop and smell the roses.

APS Key wellbeing findings survey

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