Welcome to 2021. And welcome to another year of amazing possibilities.
In 2015 my family enjoyed a beautiful driving holiday in the New Zealand south island. We stopped to take in the magnificent view along a lake and as I walked to the edge of the beach I saw this balancing rock sculpture. It was like a gift from a visitor before us. The perfect photo opportunity.
So as I stood on the pebble beach enjoying the peace and serenity, the magnificent mountain view and the peaceful message of MY stone sculpture, I was taken by surprise when a stone came flying over head and missed my sculpture (now it’s become MY sculpture) by only centimetres. My family of boys and men were competing to be the first to hit the sculpture. They were having a blast, and bonding like blokes do. This moment in time will be remembered as a different story by each of us. Each of us has a perception of what’s going on around us based on our own filters and experiences. When I see a photo opportunity – others may see target practice. Perhaps this stone gift was actually a target left by one tribe of boys for the next clan of boys.
So I fought the urge to stop them. I let them have their fun. And enjoyed watching the moment through a different set of glasses.
We all see every moment of our life different to the next person. And we’re all right in our interpretation. If that’s the way you perceive it, then that’s the way you see it. So if someone tries to knock over your stone sculpture, that’s OK. They’re doing what they perceive is the obvious thing to do.
Your perception is your reality.
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Lisa has helped businesses kick goals and win awards. If you would like to have a obligation free strategy session with Lisa, fill in the form below.
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