Last night I happened across a Brad & Angelina favourite on TV, “Mr & Mrs Smith”. A quirky, action packed, romantic comedy, it’s got it all. Love, hate & confusion. Like any marriage really.
Mr & Mrs Smith were capable, strong personalities who were in control of their worlds. But somewhere along the way the passion in their relationship soured into frustration and distain. You see for 5 years of marriage they were pretending to be ‘perfectly’ something else. Amongst the explosions, speeding cars and exhilarating stunts they were found out and forced to be their real, authentic self, for their own survival. And then, the passion re-emerged.
We can apply the human need for passion and connection to every area of our life and the life of the people around us. The masterpieces of history were products of a personal passion. The resourceful success of the Virgin brand is a testament to one mans passion. If we don’t feel connected and a true sense of value in what we do, then every days journey seems all up hill.
Imagine …. If you were empowered to be you. If you had passion for everything you do.
Imagine … the possibilities if your team were empowered to be their best selves. Connected with their team. Valued in their role. Owning their workplace culture.
The phrase ‘Workplace Culture’ is often thrown around as if it should just happen and everyone should jump on the bandwagon or get left behind. Some managers think it simply means being nice to each other and watching your P’s & Q’s. You can’t dictate culture. It takes awareness, and conscious effort. By encouraging meaningful interactions and aligning peoples passions, you organically build a sense of shared goals and beliefs across your entire company. Like any great relationship.
Mr & Mrs Smith believed they needed to fit a mould of the perfect couple when actually that mould was robbing them of true connection. Once the explosions smashed that mould, they were forced to communicate honestly with each other, they were free to be their true self, connection was restored and passion reignited.
Dare to be you!
Passion and Commitment are lying and waiting to be unleashed.
(Explosions and car chases are optional)