We are all motivated by our basic human needs.
Connection, Significance, Contribution, Variety, Growth, Certainty.
We’re driven to fill these needs by our own internal priorities and external factors. In fact, we’ll go out of our way every day to fill our core needs and if we can’t fill that bucket with positive experiences, then you can bet that we’ll use unresourceful methods to get our fix of needs.
You have no option but to fullfill these needs. These needs are less about basic survival and more about inner peace, self-acceptance, personal balance within your community. When you have these 6 factors nicely balanced everything seems to flow and the sun is always shining in your world. Now fantastically, you have the choice in these areas as to how you fill your bucket of needs. You can choose to be engaged or distant. You choose your priorities. Lets look connection as an example.
Jacqui is working in an office and gets on well with everyone. However, recently she changed her start time so that she can drop her kids at school. That seemed to be working well for her until others noticed Jacqui not at her desk a number of times during the day, actually, a lot. You see, Jacqui gets her little fix of connection and belonging every morning as her friends walk past her desk for coffee. Now, she’s feeling left out because she gets to work after the gossip is all done. Now in order for her to get that fix of connection everyday she has to stop at the coffee machine a number of times during the day, and create her own gossip (not all of it nice). Jacqui is finding a new way to fill her need of belonging and connection without even knowing it. And that’s how most of us go through life.
So how do you fill your bucket everyday with your needs?
Are you choosing positive, useful ways to fullfill your priorities?
Or are some of your choices unresourceful? Problematic? Blocking your path?
The good news is … it’s your choice. You can actively seek opportunities to meet your core personal needs. Choose some simple effective ways to fill your bucket every day.
Imagine how more effective you could be in your life if you were aware of your core needs and knew how to get the best from your day, resourcefully.
It’s time to shine.